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Wir empfehlen: "Global Shapers Munich invites you to this monthly climate café on the topic of women and climate change"

08Mär19:3021:00Wir empfehlen: "Global Shapers Munich invites you to this monthly climate café on the topic of women and climate change"


Titel: Global Shapers Munich invites you to this monthly climate café on the topic of women and climate change.

Veranstalter: Global Shapers Munich e.V.

Ort: Café Puck , Türkenstraße 33 , 80799 München

Inhalt:  Why are so many climate activist leaders women?

From Greta and Luisa Neubauer and FridaysForFuture, Nobel Peace Price winner Wangari Maathai, to Christiana Figueres, the mastermind behind the Paris Agreement: All over the world women are leading the climate change movement. Is this by chance or is there a new style of leadership emerging required to tackle this global long-term crisis?

Women bear an outsize burden of the global-warming crisis, largely because of gender inequalities and the U.N. estimates 80% of those who have been displaced by climate change are women. Given their position on the front line of the climate-change battle, women are uniquely situated to be agents of change—to help find ways to mitigate the causes of global warming and to adapt to its impacts on the ground.

Still, at COP26, 61% of the leaders in the delegations were men and taking up 74% of the total speaking time. The empowerment of local women and marginalized groups is crucial to solving the climate crisis, and we see more and more women taking the lead to speak up on behalf of others.

In this month’s climate café, we will discuss women’s role in the climate movement. Together with us, we invite our local climate activists from NGOs, entrepreneurship, and politics. Do you know someone we should highlight? Send us a message!

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8. März 2022 19:30 - 21:00(GMT+01:00)

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